the time of my life

Sunday, November 07, 2004

So I got this in an e-mail from Cheryl, and since I love these so much, I'm posting it in my blog!

1. What time do you get up? As late as humanly possible. However, when I'm working, usually 6:45 a.m.
2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? My grandfather Cox...I was only 7 when he died, I don't remember him terribly well and I would love the opportunity to have known him better.
3. Gold or silver? White gold
4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? hmmm...I think it was Fahrenheit 9/11 or the's been awhile!
5. What is/are your favorite TV shows? I love: Sex and the City (reruns now), South Park, Hannity and Colmes (I think Shawn Hannity is so sexy-seriously!), and CNN Crossfire (esp. when Al Sharpton is
6. What do you usually have for breakfast? Special K cereal and/or just a cup of coffee or Diet Dr. Pepper-I love breakfast, but rarely have time to eat it.
7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? I get along with just about everybody I I'd have to say it would probably be any one of about 10 different kids I went to high school with...not only are they hicks, but they're about as close-minded as people get!
8. What is your middle name? Lynnette
9. Beach, City or Country? A nice mix of the city and the country...I hope to have homes in both places one day :o)
10. Favorite ice cream? Strawberry or Edy's Tiramisu
11. Butter, plain, kettlekorn or salted popcorn? Kettlekorn, but only if it's made in a real kettle. The microwave stuff just won't do.
12. Which would you prefer to buy: Makeup or bath products? Makeup, most definitely. Lancome foundation, Clinique skin care, color from Origins, and fragrance from Estee Lauder!
13. Price not considered, what kind of car would you drive? I'm really not a huge car person. I'm more into clothes. Frankly, I love the car I'm driving now-a 2001 Chevy probably just a fully-loaded version of what I drive now! Maybe in red...
14. Favorite sandwich? Buffalo chicken or roast beef w/ lettuce, tomato, sprouts & mayo-yum!
15. What characteristic in people do you despise? Phony people. I HATE people who are superficial or fake. Also, people who are hypocritical or judgemental-as I am neither.
16. Favorite flower? White orchids
17. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Europe...all over Europe. That is the one place I would really like to go, but I've never been there!
18. Favorite brand of clothing? I love Limited and Club Monocco
19. Where would you retire to? Somewhere in the south
20. Favorite day of the week? Fridays...stupid question!
21. What did you do for your last birthday? I laid in bed, sick as a dog, while my parents visited me...I had a bad case of the flu, unfortunately. I plan on making up for it this year.
22. Where were you born? Harrisburg, Illinois-WAY down in SO-IL
23. What's your Favorite sport to watch? STL Cardinals and Illini football and basketball
24. What fabric detergent do you use? Some mountain breeze stuff from Wal-Mart...can't remember the name!
25. Coke or Pepsi? Coke, most definitely. If I'm cutting calories, Diet Dr. Pepper.
26. Which would you rather buy: Shoes, or handbags? Oh sheesh-I'm a woman! How could you expect me to choose? I have lots of both. Ok, fine. I'll admit-I have a serious purse fetish! I have about 20. My favorites are vintage purses-esp. the ones that used to belong my great-grandmother-she had STYLE!
27.Are you a morning person or a night owl? Most definitely a night owl, but my mornings are getting better. I'm not as big a bitch as I used to be!
28. What is your shoe size? 10...and my feet are wide, which makes it worse.
29. Do you have any pets? My kitty back at home...I miss him :o(
30. When is your birthday? Decemeber 20th! The year isn't important.


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