the time of my life

Friday, January 16, 2004

Well, well, well.

Last semester, my biggest problem w/ my roommates was the fact that one of them (I won't mention any names) left green bean casserole remains on the stove for 3 days straight-yes, disgusting, I know. I'll definitely say that I lucked out, esp. considering that I didn't even know these individuals I was rooming with! I began to think that living in one of the campus townhouses wasn't such a bad idea after all...

Fast forward...Spring semester, 2004...

I have two new roommates. One of them, Heidi, can be a bit interesting at times, we come from different backgrounds, obviously, but all in all she's a sweet girl and we get along well-and she's a clean freak, and an overall respectful roommate. However, at the last minute, housing put ANOTHER roommate in-and she's a little hellion, that girl is.

First of all-she keeps all of her food in her room-which is fine, except for the fact that she comes down and eats ours (me, Liz, and Heidi all share food). Second, her boyfriend is attempting to live w/ her while he finds his own place. All I have to say about that is-it's not going to last much longer-the other three of us are going to go to housing and file a complaint. Finally, she's just a bitchy person in general, and has a really bad attitude. Take for example the other morning. Being the EXTREMELY busy girl that I am, I got up for yet another long day, was cooking breakfast (I'm dieting, and if I don't eat in the morning, I'll end up snacking on something bad for me) and got a plate out of the cabinet. No biggie-something I've done many mornings in a row. However, the sound of the plate coming out of the cabinet was apparently too much for my roommate, (even though it was already 9:15 a.m.) and she came out of her room and very bitchily told me that I was making too much noise. I kind of rolled my eyes when she went back in her room, but I tried really hard to be quieter (even though I WASN'T being freaking noisy!). However, as I went to remove a pan from the dishwasher, it made a little creaking noise, and before I knew it, she was storming out of her room and complaining AGAIN. I had had enough at this point, and politely but firmly informed her that I was NOT trying to make a racket-however, I had places to go and things to do, and that was that. She proceeded to stomp back in her room, and the conversation was over. Yeah. My other roommates thought it was bitchy, too. Anyway, we're having dinner, the four of us on Monday night, to "discuss" things, and here's hoping we clear up some of these stupid issues. Because I can live with a lot of things, but I CANNOT live w/ hypersensitive, hypocritical, disrespectful bitches. I don't think I'm being unreasonable about this-everyone who knows me knows that I am a down-to-earth, easygoing person who gets along w/ 99% of the people I meet. I don't have to be best friends w/ my roommates, but I DO have to co-exist peacefully. Yet another reason why I'm living alone next year-I don't have to deal w/ unnecessary b.s. (And p.s., I found a FABULOUS apt. downtown-I'm so excited)

Oh-and another thing-she insists on leaving the thermostat at 70 degrees, in the WINTER! I explained to her that I want to save on power as much as everybody, but if the thermostat goes below 75 ever again, I'm gonna have an issue. I don't want to bundle up like an eskimo just to sit and watch the freaking tv.

Anyway-enough of my roommate-bashing. Hopefully we'll be able to get things cleared up on Monday. Until then, I'm going out w/ some of my Springfield friends to Mowie's tonight, and going home to C-town tomorrow for the long weekend.

All in all, except for the roommate issue, things are good-that, and the fact that I feel very sorry for one of my friends right now, just bc of all of the unnecessary b.s. that has been piled on her. Some people can be such disrespectful, unappreciative jerks-I have been in a similar position before :( and it blows. Big-time. I'm just trying to be a good and loyal friend-bc in times like these, those are the only people she can depend on. Arg.

Ok guys, that's about it for now. Oh-and classes went really well-but I can tell already I'm going to be VERY busy this semester-last semester was a vacation compared to what's ahead. In the words of my friend and fellow grad student Lesley-"Interning and work and thesis-OH MY!"


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