the time of my life

Monday, March 01, 2004

Average Joe

...Is such b.s. Tonight's episode was the worst ever, thank goodness Larissa ended up alone. She's a b*tch, she deserved it. SOOOOO ridiculous. I have nothing more to say about it, except that I hope Mr. Beantown gets a million dates thanks to the show.

Drama, Drama, Drama

Soooo sick of it. And it amazes me...just as I start thinking that things CAN'T get more shocking, then they go ahead and do. Ugh. And I have just been informed of the absolutely pig-headed activities of someone I used to consider (to say the least) a very dear friend. Like I said earlier, people have a way of surprising you sometimes. But I refuse to worry about it.

Dan Bolin

Sorry if I cut you off on the phone. After I hung up I realized I was kind of rude. I guess I just don't want to rehash all the drama. Sorry. Come visit Springfield again soon, and we'll do lunch or something.


I have to spend 8 hours of precious time learning how to do this tomorrow-I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, since I have been dealing primarily with the state legislative stuff, as opposed to obtaining federal funding (which is what I assume this is for). It should be interesting. There's still so much I don't know, but I'm learning as quickly as possibly.

Political Science

Just give me my degree already! (16 hours away after this semester...) I'm reading the most horribly boring book-EVER-at the moment. Affective Intelligence and Political Judgement by George Marcus. It's about as exciting as the title makes it out to be. BLAAAAAAAHHHH...I hate 90% of the reading I've had so far this is so terribly dry and soulless, it bores me to tears. That's what I get for taking stuff besides constitutional law...darn requirements.

that's all I've got for now. Adios amigos/amigas.


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