the time of my life

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Throwing Up

Typically, the only two times I throw up is either when I've had, um, too many beverages to drink, OR due to a nervous stomach. Yes, this happens regularly during finals week, or when I'm upset, anxious, etc. Call me hypersensitive. And of course it usually happens AFTER finals week for obvious reasons-I'm out celebrating. But it's usually due to the former. Anyway, last night, I went to bed around 11:30 p.m., after having a forbidden bowl of cereal (Thanks to SB, none of that until week 3-but I wanted to finish off my last box). Of course, I used milk on the cereal, and while it didn't TASTE bad on the cereal (It was grape nuts), probably bc I microwaved it, it certainly didn't set well-AT ALL. I felt fine when going to bed. However, I woke up about an hour later feeling the dreaded disgusting feeling rising in the pit of my stomach. I tried to hold out for a few minutes, but finally jumped out of bed and luckily made it to my trash can. Thank God. If there's one thing worse than drunken puking, it's sober puking. You can feel everything, smell everything, and taste everything. It's so disgusting. Now, some people may understand why I hardly drink anymore, bc it never fails, if I have more than three drinks, I WILL throw up. Guaranteed. And I'll throw up sooner if it's beer, which I just can't drink anymore. And throwing up is bad enough while drunk/hungover, which makes it downright awful when you're stone-cold sober.

Anyway, I realize this has been a very disgusting post to read, but I felt that it was necessary to 1) justify my barely-drinking status, 2) warn people of the horrors of drinking too much by 3) reminding them just how awful it actually feels. Yuck.

In other news...

Meanwhile, it's been a good day, I felt fine when I woke up, I was downtown for the morning and part of the afternoon, came home, watched Days, and did some grocery shopping for South-Beach friendly food. Yaa-aay...the diet is officially back on track from this weekend. Now, I'm looking over my stuff for class, my presentation in 502 is tonight, after not happening last week due to cancelled class. Random neighbor guy, (I call him that bc I don't know his name) who seems intent on hitting on me, asked me to come with him to the basketball game tomorrow night, however, 1) I'm not sure if I'm interested, and even if I was...2) I won't settle for anything less than my Illini basketball players. Prarie Stars? PLEASE. Once you've watched a Big-Ten game I really don't see the point of wasting your time on anything less quality. Even if the Illini are shaky at times. Anyhoo, whatever. I like UIS academically, but I have no school spirit in terms of sports/school activities-I'm here to get my piece of paper, and if I have fun in other ways along the way, so be it. Those activities will most likely not be school/sports related. I should probably give neighbor boy a chance, but I really don't know if I'm stable enough to be in a relationship right now-I would probably just end up being vindictive and mean and break a heart...I'm not sure if I'm capable of intentionally breaking someone's heart, but stranger things have happened. Having had my heart broken badly once, I would never wish that on another person. Enough of that. You also have to consider the fact that I have almost no free time-it's a wonder I visited Chambana last weekend, which had good parts, but overall was not so great, thanks to bullsh*t drama.

Anyway, I am going to read over my article one last time, cross my fingers, and hope the presentation goes well. But first, I am going to cook dinner. With that said, I'll post more later.


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