the time of my life

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Style Observations...

Ok, since I have been working at Famous Barr since early September, I have had the opportunity to observe many poorly-dressed women (many of them old) trying to dress properly. I have made some observations:

Highlights: good. Regular hair color: bad. Especially if you're over the age of 50, and trying to maintain the same hair color you had when you were 20 (unless you're a blond, that's a bit different). If your face looks 50, don't try and make your hair look 20, unless you have a darn good plastic surgeon. (I witnessed an 80 year old woman today trying to pull off jet-black hair, while her face looked like leather. Sorry, it just DIDN'T work!) People like Sharon Stone and Kim Catrall can pull this off. It's likely that you cannot. Accept your age and your ever-changing "beauty" and move forward-work w/ a style that is age-appropriate. In fact, salt and pepper hair looks a lot classier than some brassy fake color, or worse, something of a purplely/blue hue.

As for hairstyle, short is fine, but LOSE the super-tight curly perms. That is all.

Fingernails should be of a tasteful lenth, and not yellow in color. If you're a smoker, by God, keep your nails short and preferably clean. For those who choose acrylic nails, a modest lenth is preferable as well. And for heaven's sake, choose a classic color. Deep reds and light shell colors are the best-they suit almost anyone. Oranges, bright pinks, and anything else of this appalling nature are frowned upon. Anything resembling Morticia Adams is, fittingly, horrific.

Polyester pants are never, EVER in style. I don't care if they're Alfred Dunner and you paid $60 (yes, FB sells $60 polyester pants, a LOT of them) for them, the harsh truth is, they're UGLY and make you look old and outdated. My recommendation to polyester pant afficianados: Docker's khaki pants do very well, and Jones New York has many tasteful pant styles. For the heaven's sake, lose the polyester.

That is all for the fashion advice today.


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