the time of my life

Friday, February 06, 2004


Yep, that's right, Nancy is gone! 6 months too late to do me any good, but she's gone all the same. I extend congratulations to all of my Illini, current students and alums alike-today is a happy day.

Also, I was informed that U of I's shady version of a student government, ISG, actually did something useful for a change and regained a neutral position on the Chief Illiniwek issue. Now, the BOT just needs to vote on the Chief, and decide once and for all that the the opinions of those darn hippies doesn't mean a thing, and things will surely be better for everyone at the good ol' Alma Mater. Meanwhile, back at UIS, things are just fine w/ our politically correct mascot, the Prarie Star, despite the fact that I find it ridiculous that we are represented by a large, blue star. Whatever.

Speaking of UIS, I was talking to some of my friends in the grad program, and this year we're having our end-of-the-year POS banquet at the Governor's Manion. We've got the whole 2nd floor to ourselves, complete w/ DJ, karaoke, dinner, open get the idea. It's one of the nice things about being in a small grad program, where you can actually get to know your fellow students, and enjoy an event such as this one.

Not too much else is going on...V is visiting tomorrow, Cheryl might be visiting, and meanwhile, I need to get some work done, so this is where I leave you...more later...have a great weekend kiddies!


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