the time of my life

Friday, February 13, 2004

The Hair Verdict!

It's fabulous, absolutely fabulous! Friday the 13th didn't make a difference. I ended up keeping the length, opting for a bunch of layers and texture, in addition to getting my hair thinned, a LOT. If you know me, you know I have some of the thickest hair ever seen, so my hair is now light, layered, and totally manageable. Now that it's not such a bush, I think I'll be able to stand growing it out. I'm hoping that it makes it about 3 inches past my shoulders. Also, it takes a lot less time to dry. And yet, it still looks very full and healthy. In addition, I now am sporting beautiful caramel-colored highlights, which are noticeable, but still subtle enough to look natural to those who don't know I've had stuff done. And the hair still fits into a cute little ponytail, which is great for when I'm exercising.

Meanwhile, I don't know much else, but I had to report on the hair, I'm exhausted, and tomorrow I'm running errands and working yet again and the much-dreaded part-time job. I think I'll also paint my nails tomorrow...I realize that my weekly manicure is something I need to get back in the habit of doing. I have great skin and great hair, I'm working on getting back my high school figure, and darnit, I should also have great nails. Anyway, this has been one of my girliest posts to date, so to spare my male readers the torture, this is where I'll say GOODNIGHT!


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