the time of my life

Monday, February 09, 2004

I'm baaa-aaack

It feels like I haven't posted forever! Actually, it's only been about 48 hours.

This weekend, after my guests bailed due to inclement weather, I decided to go home for a few days, (to do laundry, watch SATC, and just hang out) and as soon as I arrived, I found that my father had chosen this weekend to rebuild the three main computers in our house. (yes, I'm aware that we have too many computers-between my 2 sisters and my parents, they have seven. I know, it's sick) Since he was doing this, I was unable to get online. I decided to test myself and see if I could go for 48 hours w/o internet: no AIM, no e-mail, etc.-and I'm happy to say that I MADE it! I didn't even go online on my cell phone. You may not see this as that big of a deal, but I'm quite excited, knowing what an internet whore I am.

Good Sex can't last forever

That's right. My favorite show of all time, Sex and the City, is ending in less than two weeks. Call me crazy, but I was fighting back the sniffles after Sunday's episode. I LOVE THIS SHOW! And in two short weeks, all I'll have left is reruns. *sniff* For those of you who missed Sunday's episode: Carrie, realizing that her and her friends' lives are changing dramatically (Charlotte and Miranda are married/starting families, Samantha actually has a BOYFRIEND, Carrie is happy w/ Aleksandar), accepts the offer of Aleksandar to move w/ him to Paris. It's a big dilemma for her, bc she's choosing Paris and Aleksandar over her friends, New York, and her job-but she feels it is a choice she's ready to make, particularly because of the fact that she doesn't want to find herself old and alone while all of her friends have settled down. She realizes that things must change and her friends and her cannot remain the carefree party-girls forever. Miranda is extremely upset by the choice of her best friend, and Carrie accuses her of being selfish, and the episode ends with Carrie becoming very upset w/ Miranda, but more convinced that she is making the right decision. Personally, I always wanted Carrie and Big to wind up together, even though Big is all wrong for Carrie, but I'm glad that Carrie has found happiness w/ Aleksandar. I'm even more happy that Charlotte married a nice guy, Miranda ended up w/ Steve, and Samantha is finally settling down w/ Smith. All in all, I'm happy with the way the show is ending. It seems fitting for Carrie to move to Paris now, it is time for them to move on into the next state of their lives. Like some of my posts before, even in television drama-things can never stay the same! All good things must come to an end-it makes it a little sad, but with one door closing, another door opens. I know this sounds ridiculous, but this last episode put things even more clearly in perspective for me. I think some of my friends could stand to watch this show more!

To color or not to color!

Oh, and I think I'm chickening out of the haircolor idea. I'm definitely getting it cut, but I'm contemplating whether or not I want to mess w/ the color...I've done highlights before (they were my *thing* for the first two years of college), but I do really like my natural haircolor....ugh. I can't decide. I need feedback on this one!

What else?

Ok...I don't know too much is hectic this week, turning in my thesis proposal on Wednesday, reading, reading, reading, interning, interning, interning, and if I'm good and productive, I'll let myself go out to D. H. Brown's on Thursday to celebrate w/ the gang. (my gang of grad students, that is) With that, I'm exhausted, another crazy week begins...more later.


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