the time of my life

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Mardi Gras!

Happy Fat Tuesday. Here's hoping you don't get too fat. The jumbalaya they were making at Andiamoi's today was making me hungry. I would love some good shrimp e'touffe right about now. And we're not talking the Central Illinois stuff-what I wouldn't give to be down in N'Awlins right about now. Maybe for next year...until then, I've figured out what I'm giving up for Lent.

Bye Bye Chocolate...Hello Smaller Jeans!

Ta da! I am giving up...Chocolate!!!-I'm on the South Beach diet anyway, I have been for a week (although this weekend was a massive failure-I had Timpone's AND pizza AND liquor! Oh well, I'm back on track) but eliminating this won't hurt, seeing as it is my #1 guilty pleasure, now that SATC is over. Arg. The goal is to have lost 20 lbs. by the end of Lent, and judging from the diet's predictions, I don't think this is so unreasonable, as I have lost between 5 and 7 already. The total weight loss goal is 50 lbs., in hopes of getting CLOSE to my high school weight again. That may sound like a lot, but seriously, I was less than that once, I can make it. If I wanted to totally kill myself, I'd try to get down to my actual high school weight, but in order to do that, I have a feeling I'd have to start up the three mile runs again, and there is NO WAY that is going to happen-back during freshman/sophomore year (@ CHS), I was running at least 15 miles a week. No wonder I was slim. It's hard to believe I was that little at one time. And strangely enough, I never thought I was little then. Funny how your perception changes w/ time!


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