the time of my life

Monday, February 16, 2004

Decisions, Decisions

So, recently I made a decision that I believe will have a big impact on my future (career, that is-and perhaps life in general). After a loooong time of examining my interest in state v. federal politics, and examining my situation here in Springfield, along w/ some other factors, I have made a decision to move ahead and pursue an internship in Washington D.C. in the fall. For awhile, I thought that my involvement in state politics would be sufficient, and I really love Springfield, but I have come to realize that my deep interest in the federal government is an itch that desperately needs to be scratched, and it would be unfair to deprive myself of the experience. I don't want to look back, five or ten years down the road, when I'm married and (oh geez) maybe even have a kid, and wonder, "what if". I don't want to be resentful in the future, should I settle down sometime soon, that I didn't pursue my interest. No regrets-that's what I always say. So what better time than in the fall? Washington will be alive w/ activity, with the election around the corner, and D.C. is wonderful in the fall (not too hot, not too cold...well, maybe a little...). If I hate it out there, I'll be more than happy to return to Springfield and pick up where I left off. But if I love it out there, I probably won't come back. After this semester, I've got 16 hours left, 8 of which I plan on picking up over the summer, and I've spoken w/ UIS admissions and it will be no problem for me to finish up the remaining 8 via correspondence.

So yeah...that's my decision and I'm sticking to it. And I'm happy to see my parents supportive of my decision (and more importantly, me). More details later.


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