the time of my life

Friday, May 06, 2005

After reading Diller’s blog, I got inspired to provide a recap of my college career, as it is rapidly coming to a close. 6 long years…and tomorrow, I will walk across the stage at the Prarie Capitol Convention Center and receive my Master of Arts degree…very scary. It’s been a long and winding road, but these past 6 years have been 6 of the most remarkable, memorable, stressful, hectic, wild & crazy and all-around wonderful years of my life. I've gotten in fights, fallen in love, cried, laughed, screamed, and in general, had a fabulous time. It hasn't always been easy, but I wouldn't change a second of it-any of it. (save one or two things) Over the course of the next few days, I'll look back and reminisce about the times past, the wonderful friends I've made, the lessons in and out of the classroom, the events that have had a remarkable impact on my life, and the memories I'll never forget.

Until then, I've got to get ready...this is going to be a LONG weekend!

6 pm-Island Bay Yacht Club
POS End-of-the-year reception
After-party at Bootleggers

Dinner w/ the family
Celebrating w/ friends!


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