the time of my life

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Hello again, everyone...

It's been awhile since I've posted, but not much has been going on. My thoughts as I am finishing the second week of the semester is that things are definitely going to be crazy, in terms of schoolwork, but I've already established this. My internship starts next week, and at that point, I imagine my friends and family will see me drop off the face of the earth. The roommate situation is slightly better, at best. My bitch roommate seems to expect all of us to be quiet whenever it suits her, despite the fact that she enjoys blaring her television until all hours of the night. That, and the insistence of my roommates to keep the thermostat at seemingly sub-zero temperatures-I wore a sweatshirt and sweatpants to sleep in last night, and I was covered by two blankets, and I was just barely comfortable. Ugh. Another one of my roommates claims to have the best intentions when it comes to her schoolwork, but the empty liquor bottles in the trash have since convinced me otherwise. Meanwhile, Liz is her usual busy self, and thankfully, so am I, so I won't have to bear witness to the nonsense going on in my apt. most of the time this semester. Thank God I'm getting my own place after this semester-I think I'd go insane otherwise.

Not much else is going on-tomorrow I actually have open until my class at six, and I plan on taking full advantage of that fact by sleeping in and then spending a couple of hours at the salon. After class, I fully intend on kicking back and relaxing w/ some of my friends at Dempsey's...not my favorite Springfield bar by any means, but it will provide me an opportunity to de-stress before the hectic nature of the semester sets in.

Oh, and John Kerry came out on top after the Iowa caucuses, proving that this will indeed be an interesting Democratic primary. I'm disappointed, because if any of the candidates pose a threat to W, I feel that it is Kerry, but at the moment, I think Georgie has enough momentum to beat out any of the potential Democratic nominees...but then again, it's only January...time will tell.

With that said, it's time to kick back and relax while I still can...thank you and goodnight.


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