the time of my life

Monday, March 08, 2004

Hey everyone.

Not much new here. Got up, met w/ Professor Redfied about my paper (which was about the shortest meeting I've ever had w/ a professor-but that's ok), he proceeded to tell me I was doing fine/on the right track, so I smiled, thanked him, and left. Ate lunch, Shimkus thing in PAC, followed by errands and busy work around my apt. I have so much to do before break, it's not funny...including the following:

*Applying for internship in Hastert's D.C. office
*512 Paper
*502 Presentation
*Reading for class (finishing all that needs to be done after break BEFOREHAND)
*517 paper

...and that's just the schoolwork part of it.

I'll be happy when Sunday gets here, that's for sure. None of this stuff is due until after break, but I definitely want to get it squared away so I'll be able to relax.

Moving on to other business...I'm glad I'll be home for a few days before I leave for TN, have been talking to many of the high school & KC friends setting up plans to hang out-I haven't seen so many of my friends from home in so long...there's still no place or people like @ home...that's what I have to say.

Meanwhile, speaking of people from home, I went over to Chatham tonight to see my dad and the CHS Scholar Bowl team play in the IHSA regional-they usually have a pretty good team, but unfortunately they lost this year. Anyway, it was great to see my father, I miss him, he's a wonderful person. Anyhoo, the high schoolers, mostly boys, pestered me w/ questions about college, politics and college, err, activities. I answered some carefully (and at times untruthfully), while ignoring others. Most of them were extremely immature, go figure, but their innocence was somewhat refreshing. I finally got annoyed and told them to change the subject (so we would all stay out of trouble), so they proceeded to tell me how cool my father is. (Yes, that's right...he may come across stern at times, but once you get to know him everyone sees that he's a good guy) I bid the high schoolers and my father goodbye at around 8 p.m., and headed back to get some work done and organize my room, which has become increasingly DISORGANIZED lately.

What session for two weeks (they're on break), one of which I'll be out of the office, so this week should be pretty low-key down at IARF. Lots of busywork to take care of before session resumes.
Anyhoo, with all that said, it's time for bed. More later...


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