the time of my life

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Off today...

Thanks to the boredem that ensued yesterday (the grant-writing workshop for IARF), they gave me today off. Yay! So far I've done nothing except sleep late...I'm so terribly productive nowadays. In reality, I have homework to do, so what else is new? Hopefully I'll get my 517 paper finished by 5:30 p.m., before I have to leave for class. It shouldn't be to terribly difficult.


My hair has been being so amazing lately, it's hard to believe it's actually my hair. It's amazing what one good haircut (at two weeks ago, at that!) can do for you.


Back to the usual, hearing w/ Lee D. and company at ten down at Stratton times shall ensue.

No more Blago?

Rumor in Springfield suggests that there is about to be a HUGE scandal break out of the Governor's office, one that has enough damaging power to potentially end Blago's political career. No specific details except that it has to do w/ activity a la our old pal Slick Willie. Yeah. It's supposed to break out in the next couple of if it DOESN'T, then I guess it's just a rumor after all. We'll see, should be interesting.

that's all for now...more later friends.


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