the time of my life

Sunday, March 07, 2004

I'm baaa-aack.

Wow, I haven't posted since Wednesday. Here's hoping the 3 of you who actually read this haven't missed me too much-lol.

So, the end of the week was somewhat uneventful. Thursday was spent at the capitol, trapped in committee hearings until the end of time, basically, but good news-HB 5000 made it out of committee-so good for IARF, and good for the DD/MI committee. I sat up front trying to stifle my laughter when Naomi took out her box of cheerios and started chowing down during witness testimony-it made it somewhat amusing, and I don't think I was the only one. Anyway, after we FINALLY got out of there, went to lunch w/ IARF groupies and one of our clients, fun as usual-I really love the people I'm working with. They proceeded to tell me how lucky they were to have me there, and while I happen to think that I am the lucky one, being placed where I was, it's still nice to hear from them.

So, Friday was pretty much the most unproductive day I've had in quite some time. We won't talk about it, but let's just say that I slept, a LOT-and that never happens anymore. Friday night was spent @ the mall, working, hating the fact that I couldn't go to U of I for unofficial, which was a blast apparently-oh well. I came home, went to sleep, and got up Saturday morning to do it all over again. Saturday was pretty much your regular hectic day at the mall, that is, until around 5 p.m. when a crazed maniac (gang member, supposedly) comes in the mall about 20 feet from our store (or less!) and started SHOOTING! Yeah. Only one person was injured, he's going to make it apparently, but it was scary as heck. I managed to keep my cool until I got outside, when I proceeded to start shaking like a leaf and feeling nauseous-two things I'm well-known for when I'm anxious. So yeah-I'm safe and sound, and so are my co-workers, but still. It was terrifying. Needless to say, a night out was in order, and my Chambana friends were happy to oblige me-those that were in town, that is-seeing as I wanted to be nowhere near Springfield after these events took place. I'm supposed to go into work this afternoon, and I must say that I"m feeling slightly apprehensive about it, but hopefully it will go all right. Yikes.

With that said, I need to get ready for work-so more to come later. bye.


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