If you want to know more about the U of I...just keep reading!
We number somewhere over 30,000. Champaign for sports, Urbana for academics. Classes on the Quad. Crazy party hopping nights. Fighting Illini. Talking to random people on the bus drunk. Pokey sticks. Fat Don’s. Waiting for the 22. Pregaming in the dorms. Late night Jimmy John’s runs. Sleeping in the Union between classes. Kam’s, C.O’s, The Clybourne, Gully’s, Brother’s, Station, Legend’s, and Murphy’s. #4 party school in the country. We are all 21 on nights out, whether our birth certificates say so or not. Talking to everyone (including people next door) on AIM. Huge lectures in Follinger and Lincoln. LAR/PAR/FAR. 2004 Big Ten OUTRIGHT basketball champs. Orange Krush and Illini Pride. The Morrow Plots. Undergrad underground. Espresso Royale. Oskee-Wow-Wow. Hopkins/Forbes/Garner/Weston/Scott/Snyder: The 6 Pack. Pro-Chief or Anti-Chief? The Altgeld bells. Chambana. The 21 Quad. Going to class drunk at 9 a.m. on Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day.. Largest Greek system in the country. Assembly Hall. UIUC: University of Illinois under construction. Hail to the Orange, Hail to the Blue. Frisbee on the Quad. Reading the DI instead of paying attention to lectures. I-L-L…I-N-I. IMPE. Green Street. Memorial Stadium. The Alma Mater. The annual “paint the hall orange” game. Drunken cross-campus walks. FIRST in the nation to celebrate Homecoming. Bonnie Jean’s and the Mug Club. All-nighters in the dorms. We’re a drinking town with a football problem. “Muck Fichigan, Ann Arbor is a whore.” Fear the Illini. We’ve been having more fun than you since 1867. We are guys, girls, tall, short, smart (and on scholarships), dumb (and owing more than our life's worth in student loans...).. We're defined by the roommates we've had, the parties we've attended, the classes we've taken, the people we've kissed...those that we've missed. Nights of laughter. Nights of tears. Hellos, goodbyes, "I'm sorry"s, "I'll call you"s, "what's your major?"s and everything in b e t w e e n.but most of all, we are the friendships we've made and the bonds we've built. The people may f a d e, but the memories never will. We bleed orange and blue. We are U of I, forever Illini… and we don’t mess around.
-I can't take credit for this, found it on someone's U of I website...but that's U of I...absolutely all of it!
girl...now you're making me miss U of I!!!! y u do this to me??? TJ
Anonymous, at 8:24 AM
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