the time of my life

Tuesday, January 27, 2004


This last weekend was undoubtedly the weekend from HELL. And it's not because of Stacy, the bitch roommate anymore. I'm talking about Heidi, the OTHER new roommate. She was new, and I could tell she was very different from me, but I was still willing to give her a chance. However, the shady late night guests, the fact that the POLICE had been called to our apt. while I was gone for the weekend, in addition to the fact that she had informed me she had a criminal record-OMG-I had reached a breaking point. The last straw was last Saturday morning, when I arrived at my apartment to find her w/ one of her many male companions and in a roughed-up state-apparently, some of these friends/thugs of hers had gotten angry and decided to storm into our apartment and steal her jacket and various other possessions of hers. I faced the aftermath when I came back and discovered the situation w/ the police there. After I informed my parents of the situation, they sent me to a hotel until the situation was resolved-meaning, me MOVED OUT. Luckily, UIS housing moved very quickly, and has placed me in a new campus apartment extremely similar to my old one, and my new roommates are both normal and wonderful. That is just making a VERY long story short, but to sum up, I simply didn't feel safe anymore, bc I have NO idea what kind of crap she is involved with, and frankly, I didn't want to stay around to find out. I'm SO pleased with my new living situation, words can not describe it.

Meanwhile, moving on to more cheerful things (I'd rather forget the last 2 weeks and my hellish roommate situation, bc overall, last semester was fabulous)-I just finished Day 2 of my internship, and it is going wonderfully. Today was my orientation on the legislative and lobbying process. I was knowledgeable about most of the information, but it provided me with a refresher of the stuff I had forgotten since my freshman year of college and Poli-Sci 100. My job will primarily consist of research, IARF projects, and being down at the capitol tracking bills and sitting in hearings-a lot of legislative exposure, which is exciting. On a side note, I think I'm falling in love w/ downtown Springfield. Springfield as a whole is ok, but downtown is just fabulous-the best restaurants, the cutest shops, the most adorable coffee shops, historic sites, the capitol-the list goes on and on. I'm so excited to be living downtown starting this summer.

Ok, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to stop writing for now, but I'll fill in more of what's been going on lately when I have more time and energy. Oh, and I've decided to nickname my American Politics seminar "Bush Bash 2004" bc that's all that my Clinton-loving professor seems to do, every chance he gets. Blah. Ok kiddies, more later-love to you all.


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