the time of my life

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Haven't posted in awhile, so I'll update...

Finals are OVER-I haven't done much except work and study for the past 2 weeks thanks to this, so I'm grateful for the opportunity to reclaim my social life. The last two weeks I have been absorbed in the study of the British constitutional system, which is actually made more interesting by the fact that they don't have a written constitution-their "constitution" consists primarily of common law and legal precedent. Anyway, the class was fascinating, and I learned a great deal about the system of government and social structure in the U.K. I love con law-this was my first class in comparative law. So to sum up, finals went well, I should have a 4.0, so all is awesome.

Diller had a Christmas party on Friday night (for the College Republicans) so I made the trip to Chambana for a few hours to hang out with him and some of my other friends. I took Lori & Amanda, and met up with Natalie there. The party was fun, in true CR tradition, drinking, Risk, and socializing. It was nice to see some of the young CR's-I think they're headed in the right direction for 2005, which makes me and the rest of the old folks happy, seeing as we put so much time and energy into the club in our days at U of I.

Anyway, around 1 a.m. everyone had left the party, but me and Diller stayed behind and talked almost all night-and as usual, we had one of those awesome conversations that you can only have with very good friends, and that you wish would never end. About 3:45 I decided I needed to move my car, so Diller came with me and we went to Perkins where we talked even more, about everything from relationships to feminist studies (and our own experience and enlightenment in our W.S. courses-suprise!) to family and life goals and inspiration. It was funny that while we were discussing Susan Estrich and and feminist theory, etc., Diller stopped for a second and said, "AMY! Can you believe that 2 REPUBLICANS are sitting here having this conversation?" Anyway, the thing that's great about Diller and me is that we're wonderful friends, and even though we don't see each other as much anymore, he's the type of person I can get together with after a month of not talking and it's like nothing has changed. The nice thing is, it will probably be like that when we're 50 and back at an alumni mixer-time changes, but a person's soul doesn't have to.

Anyway, I finally headed back to Springfield at 5:30 a.m. and promptly crashed. It's nice to have some free time now that finals are over. I'll be working a lot over break, but will have plenty of free time to go out-thank goodness. And of course no one should forget my party on JANUARY 8th! It's going to be great!

As for me, I'm going to go relax some more...more posting later.


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