the time of my life

Monday, June 27, 2005

Sigh. It was a long week. Thankfully it's over and a new one has begun.

Highlights of last week:
*Became an official volunteer with Citizens for JBT (am currently applying for employment if and when she decides to announce candidacy for Governor of Illinois)
*Consolidated my few student loans (I'll be paying a lot less thanks to the kick-butt interest rate that is currently offered)
*Talked to Diller for the first time since he came to visit me in Springfield 2 weeks ago (we had an evening of buddy actitivies, the usual: Dinner, drinks, him lecturing me on the fine art of cigar's in D.C. now, interning for Senator Lugar (Indiana) and seems to be having a great time. I'm happy for him. And hopefully I'll actually get out there to visit him at some point before the summer is over!

*Started with a Personal Trainer at Gold's Gym...the work out routine is going smashingly well.
*Started Week 2 with my summer job...woohoo...
*Made an impromptu, 36-hour trip to Memphis for the weekend to visit my grandparents. It actually felt a lot longer, and we had a lot of fun. I love, love, LOVE Millington, my grandparents, and their house, and the puppies. It's nice to get away from the midwest, even for a short time.

*Had a 3 1/2 hour phone conversation with Krissa on the way down which helped me stay awake during the 6 hour drive. (which actually wasn't that bad) That, and liberal amounts of Coke Zero. And a package of my favorite, gummi worms. :D
*Ended something that has grown to be very near and dear to me. It hurt, but I'd like to think that this isn't necessarily permanent, although it IS the right thing to do for now. I'm proud of myself for biting the bullet and being mature about it. It needed to be done, in order to avoid irreparable damage. Despite this, it doesn't make it hurt any less, but I've got a lot of summer left ahead of me and I'm going to have fun. And I have the best friends in the world. That's what they're here for. To provide fun! (If I ever get a day off work ;o) )

So that's what is going on, chicas & chicos. More later...


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