YAWN. It's 1:50 a.m. and I'm winding down after another (long) night at work. I don't LOVE my job, but I do appreciate the hours (as it frees up my daytime for REAL job hunting) and the fact that I'm not cleaning up after dirty old ladies at Famous Barr (you haven't lived till you've cleaned out dressing rooms during the early bird sales...they rival my sister Jami's room in terms of messiness-and yeah, that's messy). Anyhoo, it looks like there is a good chance I'll have a job that I love by the end of the summer. I'm officially a volunteer for Citizens for JBT, and her campaign office requested a copy of my resume & references, which I am sending their way tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm hoping between my political connections, my education, and my downright passion for both political campaigns AND ousting Blago, I'll be a shoo-in. The only annoying thing is having to wait until early August, which is likely the time when JBT will announce her plans to run or not. According to her office, she is "very seriously considering" a run for governor. The only real thing that has to fall in place (according to them) is, you guessed it, the $.
At least I've found people to argue with at work. :D One of my co-workers is a fellow ILLINI (home from school for the summer), so I find plenty of things to chat about with him, in addition to my favorite hobby, arguing about politics. I like harassing hard core conservatives almost as much as I like bashing liberals, so it's proved to be an entertaining pastime thus far. I even pretended to be anti-chief (for all of five seconds) just to get a rise out of him. I love arguing politics. And I love the fact that I can somehow find people to talk politics with wherever I go (even if it's my job at FV!). Most of all, I love it when people who PRETEND they are smart and think they know more than me ask me questions intending to trip me up, and I end up turning the tables on them-HA! Don't question my knowledge of Illinois politics...you will be sorry. Case in point:
"Amy, tell me who the LAST downstate governor from Illinois was, besides Edgar! He's too easy..."
Before the question was finished, I chimed in, "Well, that's ridiculously easy. That was none other than Democrat Dan Walker, who achieved an unprecedented victory in a hotly contested democratic primary versus the very popular Senator Paul Simon. People were SHOCKED! Unfortunately, in his bid to overtake downstate, over the next four years he ended up pissing off the city of Chicago in addition to Mayor Daley, which some might say is the kiss of death for Illinois politicians. That, and the fact that he was tainted with scandal, he lost in his own democratic primary in 1976. Jim Thompson (the republican nominee) went on to beat the democratic candidate and hold the governor for the next 14 years-yes, 14, thanks to the shift to midterm elections in the 1970's. Other than that, some could say the most recent downstate governor (besides Edgar) was George Ryan, who was from Kankakee, which many suburbanites consider to be 'downstate'."
Let's see...not much else is going on. Natalie and Krissa visited this weekend which was awesome! We went to see Montgomery Gentry at the Sangamon County fair, and then hung out downtown for awhile. (This was Friday night) The next day we went shopping, where Krissa bought an insane amount of Vera Bradley at Hallmark, followed by D'Arcy's Pint, where we all had horsehoess (if you don't know what one of these are, you are SERIOUSLY missing out.)
More details later, but not till tomorrow...it is finally time for bed!
no my dear, insane would have been getting the mimi backpack, pocket wallet, and a metropolitan bag to round out the collection ;)
KS Sparky, at 11:13 PM
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