the time of my life

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

HOORAY, I'm moved!

My new roommates are wonderful. At this point, anything a step above what I had before was desirable, but truth be told, my new roommates are 1) friendly, 2) neat freaks-THANK GOD! and 3) not druggies or criminals! It's amazing what a horrible an impact a roommate can have on you, despite only having lived with you for 2 weeks! I got really lucky last semester w/ my roommates, and I'm glad that I only had to be in that hellish environment for 2 weeks-good riddance! I just feel so much more relaxed/relieved since I've moved out. Anyway, like I said before, now that I've gotten my apt. in order, things are pretty much perfect-I have a hectic school/interning/work schedule, but it's nothing I haven't done before, and now I can actually enjoy my classes and internship, which is fabulous.

Let me see-what else is going on...John Kerry won New Hampshire; no surprise there, in my opinion-to be perfectly honest, over the summer, I was feeling like the voters would gravitate towards Kerry-I've never been very impressed w/ Howard Dean; politics aside (yes, he's still hot, and Diller, I don't CARE if he has no neck-I'd still make out w/ him. I just wouldn't vote for him!), he's far too volatile of a person to gain the support of the DNC-they want someone politically correct and safe as far as the issues are concerned, and I believe they have found that in Kerry. I'm starting to speculate that Kerry might choose John Edwards as his running mate, if and when he gets the nomination; I'm afraid that a Kerry-Edwards combination may be the toughest hurdle the Bush campaign has faced since Osama and 9/11-maybe that's an exaggeration, but it will certainly be difficult. You've got two popular senators, coupled w/ Kerry's experience/veteran status + Edwards' youth, vibrant personality, and positive attitude. Heck, I LIKE John Edwards, I just don't like his politics. And I think America will like him as well-if they don't already. In my mind, Kerry has a shot so long as he brings Edwards along for the ride. Personally, I'm hoping that by some miracle Al Sharpton will pull out in front, so that G Dub rides on to an easy victory, but I think that we all know that's not going to happen. Drat. I knew I should have started Conservatives for Al Sharpton back at UIUC. It might have made all the, jk. Anyway, things should get very interesting between now and November, stay tuned for Amy Lynnette's political predictions-take them how you wish, they're just my random musings.

Anyway, I'm going to take a break from the blogging and unpacking and go catch the tail end of American Idol-yes, the allure of reality TV has sucked in another victim. Later, ya'll.


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