the time of my life

Friday, January 30, 2004

Reading, Papers, Thesis, OH MY!

My room, with the exception of some of my desk drawers & a little laundry, is in perfect order. Just
the way I had it before-thank goodness. For of those of you who don't know me well, I'm a bit of an organization nut-I don't mind clothes thrown around or the bed not made, but I MUST have a sense of order in my room when it comes to my desk or possessions, or I'm likely to go nuts. I had my first night of good sleep last night, since the craziness of last weekend, and I couldn't be happier.

Baby Beauty Products

Totally random thought, completely off subject: my best friend Krissa made a recommendation to me a couple of months ago, saying that I should try Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bath as a body wash for it's stress-relieving properties. So I finally tried it, and that stuff rocks my world! Number 1, it smells awesome, #2, it's moisturizing and delicate for the skin, and #3, well, forget #3, it's just amazing. Being a beauty product junkie, I'm always thrilled w/ a new discovery. My last great discovery was Lancome Photogenic foundation-I have been blessed with good skin (except for about a week out of every month-BLAH), but this stuff makes a good thing even better-we're talking Catherine Zeta Jones on the front of VOGUE good skin-it's pricey, but amazing, and I have the hook-up at FB w/ my friends at the Lancome counter-we're talking free products pretty much all the time, and they're always suggesting new products and giving me free samples. Yay for great makeup!

Other Stuff

Totally changing the subject again, it seems like EVERYONE is going out tonight, including my new roomies, as well as some friends from last semester, but it's unlikely I'll be joining them, mainly because of the fact that 1) I've gotten behind this week, 2) I need to do laundry, 3) It's FREEZING! and finally, I have to work tomorrow, and I'm going out for Superbowl Sunday, so I HAVE to work on my thesis proposal and various other projects, so I can get ahead before I have a chance to get behind. Yes, I know you're probably all shaking your heads, saying, "What has HAPPENED to that girl-what a nerd!" but, unfortunately, tonight I must put on my responsible student hat-although I'd seriously kill for a carbomb right about now. I wonder if Marley's has carbombs? I haven't bothered to check thus far...(and it's not like I would actually do one here in Springfield-that is strictly a Murphy's tradition) but my roommates were talking about an interesting drink they had recently, called a 'Red-headed Slut'-lol. I didn't get around to asking what was in it, but it seems the more people I talk to, the more interesting drinks I hear about.

Not much else is going on-let the exciting night of studying begin. I can't wait until I get caught up on my reading and stuff, then I'll be able to relax once and for all, now that the fiasco is over. Until then, I've got chapters of reading waiting for my attention. Cheers, and more later from this busy lady.


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