the time of my life

Friday, March 12, 2004

Diet Mountain Dew

In my quest for weight loss, one of the things I have done that seems to be making a HUGE difference is the elimination of regular soda from my diet. That said, I've been getting a bit tired of drinking Diet Dr. Pepper ALL the time, and I'm not a big fan of Diet Coke/Pepsi, and while Diet 7-UP/Sprite is fine, it has no caffeine, so really, what's the point? Last week, just on a whim, I decided to buy a can of Diet Mountain Dew at work, and surprisingly, it tasted wonderful. I drank it when I was younger, because my father drank it regularly, but never got into it, but now it's like I'm tasting it for the first time! Needless to say, I'm quite excited about this-the discovery of a new favorite diet soda is a great thing, in my book. Next to try: Diet Coke w/ Lime...according to Krissa & her blog observations, it's the shiznit. I don't like Diet Coke at all, but who knows, I may be surprised by this new invention.

Spring Break

Is HERE! HOORAY! I'm going to be stuck in Springfield until Tuesday afternoon, thanks to Famous Barr and stuff for IARF (another hearing downtown...what do you expect?), but it's probably just as well, considering that I still have a lot of work that SHOULD be finished before my trip in order to avoid the procrastination that I embraced at times during my undergraduate years. Yeah.

Current plans over the next few days:

*Finish applications & resume, send out-->ALMOST DONE
*Finish papers...and get a start on 517
*Get car checked out & cleaned for Spring Break Trip--->DONE AFTER TOMORROW
*Make trip on Sunday to STL for dinner and movie w/ friends from home!
*Do laundry and pack

Meanwhile, I'm sooooo excited about going back to Memphis. I love it so much down there, but I never really have a chance to go downtown, seeing as my grandparents live in a suburb and when I'm down in TN it's for such a short time that it's strictly to see them and nothing else. I love my grandparents to death, so that's fine, but I'm also really excited to have enough time to visit the city. Meanwhile, Victoria, who will be accompanying me on the SB activites, is convinced that she is headed for redneck-ville, but that just goes to show how much the suburbanites know! The south is the only place left in the country (as far as I'm concerned) with class, grace, and a sense of hospitality and goodwill towards fellow individuals. There's no place like it. Only 5 days!

Gotta run for now, but more later when I have time...byyyyyee.


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