Before you go around praising Michael Moore as a hero for uncovering all the untruthfulness and deceit of the Bush presidency, you MIGHT just want to consider checking out a second opinion.
And P.S.-John Kerry can wear all the Carhartt he wants. He can don camouflage and tote his big rifle around hunting geese for as long as he desires...and he can talk about God and his "religion"-but he's no Republican...and he's not fooling ANYONE. And he'll realize all of this on November 2nd when America sends his happy left-wing booty back to Massachusetts next to Ted Kennedy...where he belongs.
Carhartt nor camo nor a God does a Republican make and if the American public isn't smart enough to understand this, then we deserve Bozo the Clown in the White House.
in fact, if i hadn't already voted for Kerry on my absentee ballott and sent it in, I probably would have voted for Bozo the Clown, one of my favorite fellow Illinoisians as a political statement. ...or, I could have voted for Obama to give him one of his first votes in a presidential election, seeing as if this presidential election goes as I fear it may, there's a good chance he'd be one of the people running on the Dem ticket '08
KS Sparky, at 3:45 AM
The Patriot ActLast night, I met a lady who cannot get a job (history degree-archivist) because she has an FBI file on her. How did she get this file? Well, because of the Patriot Act, the fact that she spoke at an Anti-War/Pro Peace rally on Murray State's campus made her enough of a threat to national security that she needed an FBI file. So here she is, almost 2 years out of college and can't get a job as an archivist because she has a file on her. Go Patriot Act! How can you support people who take away our rights like this? While one party certainly can't be better than another, we do not yet know if they will work to take away our civil liberties and monitor us with a paranoia-like zeal. For those in power now, we already know the answer to that.
Oh, did you read the transcript of the Bin Laden tape yet? Scary stuff.
KS Sparky, at 2:49 PM
I don't agree with everything in the Patriot Act-never said I did. I'm devoting my thesis to one of the offshoots of the P.A., looking at both sides, actually, and drawing a conclusion after massive research. It's unfortunate that she cannot get a job...but I don't know all the details. I've been out of school with a Poli-Sci degree from another school w/ strong LAS programs, and I have a completely clear FBI file, and I can't find a job either. Let's face it-jobs are so gosh darn hard to find nowadays.
As for G.W. Bush-he's not my favorite candidate by ANY means-I think he's made a lot of mistakes. But I have seen TOO MUCH inconsistency out of John Kerry in the past year to feel comfortable casting my vote for him. A vote for Bush is NOT a blind, uneducated vote for me-unlike some of my other friends like to think-I take voting extremely seriously. I've never voted for someone simply because they're from the "right" or "wrong" party. Who I work for is one thing-but when I'm alone in that voting booth, I make the decisions. So sometime, we'll sit down and I'll tell you the long version of why I am supporting George W. Bush.
And yes-I saw the Bin Laden tape-and I think we must stay strong and devoted to our efforts to combat terrorism-because fear is exactly what they want out of us.
Amy Lynnette, at 9:01 AM
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