It's been awhile since my last post, so I'll update...
The job hunt continues...but there are some viable prospects on the horizon. I went to a fundraiser for State Representative Chapin Rose a couple of weeks ago, and he got me interested in applying for a position with HRO. This would involve moving to the depths of Southern Illinois, but if I was lucky enough to get this position, it would be the foot in the door that I needed in order to officially kick off my career in Illinois politics. That being said, I'm less than thrilled about the idea of leaving Springfield, for more than a few reasons:
1) All of my friends are here in Springfield, or reasonably close by. Many of them are an hour away, in Champaign, Bloomington, & Peoria. There are several more in Chicago, which is a mere 3 hour drive from here (not bad for weekend trips). Of course, I have a few friends that have left Illinois all together, and headed to exotic locales such as Arizona or Washington D.C., but there will always be a few friends like that.
2) Springfield is the place to be for Illinois politics. Period. End of story. I eventually want to end up back up here, until the day I find a job in D.C. I always thought I'd work here for a few years, build up my resume, then find a fabulous job on Capitol Hill. :o)
3) UIS is right here waiting for me as soon as I decide to start my Public Administration degree. Which is something that will probably happen in the very near future.
4) There is a fourth reason, but I'd rather not talk about it at the present time. It alone is not reason enough to stay here in Springfield, but it's certainly something that might make staying here seem worthwhile (along with all the other reasons I listed). However, it's ridiculous to consider staying merely for something that is uncertain at best. That's all I have to say about that.
In other news: not much. I've been working out, working, and visiting friends outside of Springfield. Last weekend I got to see a lot of my friends down in STL at FSL for the 4th of July, which was good times, as usual. This week we bid goodbye to Amanda, who is moving to Arizona for work-she got a fantastic job, and I know she's really excited and I'm extremely happy for her! That being said, she's going to be missed by all of us.
Not much else to report...more later! Hopefully I will have a REAL job to report on VERY SOON! :0)
Boo! You forgot Peoria.
Btw -
"That's the biggest Dick's I've ever seen!"
KS Sparky, at 8:00 PM
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