the time of my life

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

...more political banter...

Disgusted with the primary results, that is-so disgusted, in fact, that I actually might vote for a democrat for senate this time around. Yes, that's right, and to my republican friends reading this (there are a lot of you), don't you dare throw a fit, because you can't give me any legitimate reasons to vote for Jack Ryan, other than the fact he's a member of the party that I have claimed to support for many, many years. I've never voted blindly according to party lines, and this upcoming election will be NO EXCEPTION! Maybe it will result in me not voting for some races (i.e. Senate), but as far as I'm concerned, the only decent candidate in the entire senate race is out-so I'm not sure what to do next. I'll end up voting for someone, but rest assured, there's a good chance it won't be our buddy Jack. His looks are superseded only by his arrogance.

Now, I'll take the opportunity to vent on what I consider to be big problems-not just in our state, but throughout the nation.

First*, I'm disgusted by the fact that the citizens of our "great" state are so gosh-darn apathetic about politics. They can't get off their lazy behinds and actually care about elections to save their lives. The majority refuse to get to know their candidates or even bother voting; instead, those who actually choose to vote typically throw their support blindly behind the candidate w/ the most and flashiest television ads. Citizens take every opportunity they can to complain when politicians screw up, but do they really give a rat's behind when it comes to identifying themselves with a particular candidate or even voting in elections? NO! You don't have a right to complain if you don't know your candidates and just DO IT!

*With that out of the way, I can understand why some people DON'T vote-with as many individuals running for political office as there are, and with so many of them being power & money hungry slimeballs who are shackled to the special interests and corporations, it's easy to see why people get jaded. However, this can all be changed if people would actually get off their behinds, mobilize, and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! It's a vicious cycle...but it has to be stopped and the only way this can happen is if the people make it happen.

Secondly, I'm disgusted by the system, one that allows such exorbitant amounts of money to be spent on political campaigns. It should come down to issues, not fat pocketbooks & party darlings, and 95% of the time this is not the case. Viva la Campaign Finance Reform, and John McCain, one of my political heros. I can only hope that there will be sincere changes in the future-and on a sidenote-I have sincere respect for John McCain for never backing down when it came to his principles/beliefs. He's the man.

Finally (at least for tonight), let me take this opportunity to go off on the Electoral College. I know what you're thinking-this is the reason that the GOP has their man in office right now-and that is fine, I voted for him, and despite my problems w/ Dubya, am glad that he is there instead of Gore-but I still have issues with the Electoral College, and always have. Here are two of them:
1) The electoral college is disproportionate in terms of representation-it does not represent the citizens of the U.S. equally. Look at the delegate/citizen ratio in California, and compare it to that of Wyoming, and you'll see what I'm talking about. I know California is liberal, but still, we live in a democracy-and our citizens should be equally represented, and they AREN'T with the current system.
2) In states such as Illinois, along with other states that lean in one direction heavily in terms of partisanship, it makes my vote pretty much worthless. Sure, if I can get enough people to back my candidate, then he might have a shot of taking the state, but I hate to say it kiddies, as much as everyone might want it, Dubya isn't gonna take Illinois in '04-which makes my participation pretty much pointless, if it is going to be a slew of Democratic delegates choosing the president (not me). And the same goes for the states that lean Republican. The Electoral College completely de-legitimizes the entire democratic process, implying that the citizens of the United States aren't capable of choosing a president by themselves. It's infuriating to me.

Memphis! Tomorrow!

Enough about politics for now. I'm on Spring break and I'm leaving for Memphis tomorrow, currently packing-so excited! Beale Street, Wolfchase, B.B. King's, the Rendezvous, I come again! Memphis is hands down one of my favorite matter where I travel, this place always feels like a second home to me-and I love the energy and atmosphere of this lovely southern city. I can't wait to get back. Details of the trip shall follow upon my return. Looking forward to good food, great music, fabulous shopping, and an all-around great time. This shouldn't be a problem.


They're voting on Chief back at the good ol' Alma Mater...I'll save Chief Illiniwek banter for another day...tonight it's all about he primary...but we'll see what the UIUC student body has to say about the issue. Should be interesting. Meanwhile, good luck to Matty McDiller, running for Student Trustee, and Amy A., running for S.O.R.F., and Schlau, running for the organization formerly known as ISG. If you're reading this and currently attend U of I, vote for these kids, and if I've forgotten you in my list, I'm sincerely sorry-after all, I've graduated and don't follow these things beyond my friends' IM profiles-I wish you all the best.

Wild Country

STL-April 2nd-it's gonna be fab. Plans underway to attend w/ some of the Spfld. crew, and meet up w/ old friends from the KC days...if anyone would like to join the festivities, let me know-you're more than welcome-it's going to be a blast!

Procrastination Ensues

My papers still aren't finished! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh well, I've got over a week-darn this blissful state of relaxation I've fallen into.

That's all for now folks, hope you have a wonderful week, and I'll see you/talk to you/post for you when I get back.


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