the time of my life

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Downtown Springfield isn't so bad after all!

Ahh, last night was good times, let me tell you. It was like the many nights in Chambana all over again, except this time it was different people, better drinks, and a slightly different bar/restaurant atmosphere. First, we started out at Cinco de Mayo, where I discovered the BEST drink ever made-frozen margaritas with a touch of sangria. You must try this, it will win you over, I PROMISE-even if you don't like them. Good food and good times were had by all in attendance, and after SEVERAL hours of laughing and other nonsense, (Oh-and I think the waiter wanted to ask me out, lol-he kept telling Angela to say "hi" to that beautiful woman across the table for him-lol-and apparently he meant me. This made me laugh, a LOT) it was time to move downtown-so we did. We headed to Catch 22, which is in the basement of 11 West, a hoity-toity martini bar a la Boltini's, but a lot less fun. Catch 22 is great, though. Anyway, I have found that I am significantly more at ease and significantly MORE charming when I have a few in me. Me, Marylynn, and Angela proceeded to be loud and obnoxious (but hilarious!) by quoting from the blue-collar comedy tour, and this prompted many gentlemen to gather 'round and listen to our antics-yes, they got quite the show if I do say so myself. So then, don't ask me why, I felt compelled to answer the southern guy at the bar who starting making MORE southern jokes, and I returned the favor until Marylynn pulled me away, telling me he looked a bit too interested. Since the guy was, well, AVERAGE, I escaped and we continued with our behavior until around midnight, when it was time to depart.

Location, Location, LOCATION!

The best thing I discovered is that my new apartment, which is RIGHT in the middle of downtown (yeah!) is literally within spitting distance of all the good Spfld bars, something I really didn't realize until I was just walking around. So I'm exicted about my new location for next year-it's gonna be fabulous when I have people over, or just want to go hang out myself.

I guess the best part about everything is that I'm finally starting to feel at home in Springfield-I knew it would take a lot to get me past the homesickness I felt when leaving Chambana (Seriously-ask my parents-they were the ones who had to console me when I was crying my eyes out upon leaving Chambana following graduation-and I don't cry. EVER.) But time heals things like homesickness...and good friends are hard to come by, but come w/ time. And once again-I am having THE TIME OF MY LIFE!


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