the time of my life

Monday, April 12, 2004

Currently listening to: "Redneck Woman" by Gretchen Wilson...hehehehe


Everyone-hope the easter bunny brought you lots of nice treats-Sunday started much too early, with me being at church w/ the family at 6 a.m. for sunrise service. My father and mother told me I should be a bit more cheerful waking up, and I explained to them that I'm sure God loves me even if I'm not cheerful about being up at the crack of dawn, despite the fact Christ is indeed resurrected. I seriously hope you understand God-it is nothing personal. Anyhoo, after sunrise service, back home for a couple of hours, (I took a nice nap) then headed off to my grandmother's house to spend the day w/ the ENTIRE family-a la my mom's side. The usual, everyone talking a LOT and eating and driving each other crazy-gotta love it. Then back home to C-town around 9 p.m.

Had the weekly phone convo w/ Krissa, and we are both just too hillarious for words, I don't think anyone understands our strange senses of humor except us, so it's probably good she is my best friend. Anyway, it turns out after going to WAY far apart colleges, we both might end up getting jobs in Springfield and if this happens will probably get a townhouse downtown together-YEAH! HOORAY! The best bachelorette pad, ever. We will be the most fabulous, well-groomed, southern belles that central IL has ever seen-WATCH OUT!

Hopefully setting up THE job interview for this week-WISH ME LUCK!

Blago--->sucks the big one. The fool is trying to kill of one of the top employers in SO-IL, what will he do next? More ranting on this one later, I'm too tired to go into deep discussion of this right now.

BOO--->guys you aren't attracted to trying to KISS you on barcrawl-yeah, sorry, I AM NOT INTERESTED! HOW CLEAR MUST I MAKE THIS?!? (I realize I forget to add this in my last post, but it was worth mentioning) The only worse person I can think of would be...well, you know who I'm talking about, CR's!...and yeah...that thought is too horrific for words, and w/ that I digress. Oh, and apparently this Brian Colgan character thought I should make out w/ Schlau, who is a little brother type. Wow-the things drunks say. Sorry, but um, I'm going w/ a big NO on this one.


I'm getting a new car. I'm so excited! If all goes according to plan I'll have it by the beginning of June! The Redneck Princess and I have had many good times, but nothing stays the same forever, and sometimes it's just time to accept that things have changed and it is time to let go. This goes for more than cars, btw, but it was a good analogy.


I'm getting a dog for my apt. next year! I won't get her until the beginning of August, but I have decided to get a pug puppy-they are the most adorable dogs and I have ALWAYS wanted one. I'm also going to get a kitten, bc I love cats and want to get them young so they'll get along. They will be my roommates next year, bc I think I'm going to live alone, I want to try the "no-roommate" thing for at least a year. Not that my roommates and I don't get along, but I would kind of like to see what it's like, and that way I can decorate however I want and DO whatever I want, and have whomever I want over. It will be good times.

I don't know much else except I'm going back to school tomorrow, going to Chicago suburbia on Thursday, and have a lot of general work to do this week-so I'll post more when I have time. Later all.


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