the time of my life

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Last night was so much fun! We ended up going to Wild Country, about an hour and 10 minute drive from Spfld., but well worth the wait! Natalie drove from Champaign to Spfld, and then we met up w/ Cheryl at WC-it was great! Also got to see a bunch of the KC gang-people I hadn't seen in AGES and miss a lot, so that was a blast-those guys are so awesome, I miss them! Anyhoo, after a night of dancing and (sober) fun, (at least for me and Natalie!) it was time to drive back, which was perfectly fine, except I got stopped by a police car ONE BLOCK from my apt.! AARRGG!!! I realize that the UIS police like to stop people pretty regularly late at night/early morning, since a LOT of people drive home drunk, so I didn't panic, just simply got my license, registration, etc., and smiled nicely at the cop and asked him what I could do for him. Apparently, in my state of exhaustion driving back, I was being a little, err, liberal w/ the distinction between the road and the bike lane, and he had wanted to stop me and see what was up. I explained to him (truthfully!) that I was completely exhausted, and might have not been as careful, taking my half of the road, seeing that no one was around driving, but that I hadn't realized that my driving appeared irresponsible. I also explained to him that I hadn't been drinking (in truth, I hadn't), and I never drink and drive bc, well, it's just stupid. I apologized, and the cop very nicely let me off and told me kindly to get some sleep. Me and Nat then drove the 1 block to my apt., slightly surprised that he had stopped us, but I really didn't think it was highly unusual, given the nature of the UIS cops and their lack of anything better to do. But oh well. This just goes to show that if you treat cops very nicely and are respectful, they'll typically treat you well, and there will be a better result in the end. Screaming and complaining and yelling will get you absolutely nowhere.

Ok, so that was my night in a (very quick!) nutshell. I have to go to work, so I'll fill in details later.


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