the time of my life

Friday, April 09, 2004's different.

So last night I decided to go to Chambana for the bc, and me and Nat went out to Brother's to meet everyone around 10:45. It was kind of weird...all of these people milling around in CR t-shirts whom I didn't know at ALL, scattered w/ a few familiar faces (Dan, Joe, V, Donald, Diller, etc...) who greeted me and attempted to carry on conversation, despite the fact that you can't hear anything in those blasted bars. Anyhoo, I wished Diller a happy 21st and proceeded to make the rounds. We then went to Joe's, where I ordered a shot because I was sure it was the only thing I could tolerate-sadly, beer makes me sick and I don't drink much of anything besides a good cabernet nowadays...yup, I'm getting old. Not so much old, but more mature. And it doesn't help that most of my friends in Springfield are between the ages of 25 and 35 and have actual careers. And...I don't know. Maybe it was just the lack of familiar faces crowded together, and the fact that a bunch of the old gang took off early-it just felt different, and pretty much all of my friends on the crawl I talked to agreed-things have just changed so much since last year. But really, it's not a bad thing-it was going to happen sooner or later, we're all growing up. And you have to grow up sometime. And I think that's what we're doing-some people it has taken longer than others. Anyhoo, after Joe's was Legends, followed by Murphy's, where I proceeded to do a carbomb w/ Garrett and somebody else (I think) for old times sake, and despite the fact that I really just DON'T drink anymore, & true to Amy Luhnette history, I had that thing down before he had passed the halfway mark. YEAH! I am still a champ. The cold beer didn't feel too good in my warm stomach, but I was neither drunk NOR puking-so it's all good. IHOP followed, where I declined sitting next to Dan, seeing as he enjoys salting my hair, stayed for a bit, then headed out w/ V, went to B-E to visit Amanda (who was working!) till 4:30 a.m., then headed back to Nat's to sleep. Got up this morning, feeling suprisingly well-rested after my 4 hours of sleep, and headed back to good ol' Springfield.

My dream job?!?

Plenty more details to come on this one. Just stay tuned-I'll just say I'm really excited!

Home Saturday, Back Tuesday!

Working for the next 2 days, then heading home-I don't have to work at IARF on Tuesday, so I get to come back late, yay. :o) The rest of next week will be full of stuff for my seminars, thesis research, reading, Chicago on Thursday w/ the IARF gang, and maybe fitting a night out in there somewhere.

That's about it for now, folks, hope this caught everyone up. Now it's time to get ready for work, ttya'll later!


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