Well guys, it's been awhile...time for an update.
For starters, I haven't been online, bc I STILL have no desk. However, I have made a makeshift desk out of my bookshelf and my desk chair. I've also moved into the downstairs bedroom. Brandis moved in today and Jess moved into my old room-it should be a fun summer. The girls are great!
Last Friday, I got to spend some quality time saying a proper farewell to the Chambanites, but in all honesty, it really wasn't like old times and I can't say I'm really sad about anything. We all had our good times, but there comes a time in your life when you have to move on. The sooner you learn this, the better.
Also, a couple of my friends told me how lucky I was to graduate LAST year and escape all the drama of this year. For awhile during the beginning of Fall semester, I would have given anything to be back in Chambana, but now, I realize that it really turned out for the best. I get so tired of the random drama and by the time October rolled around, it was clear things had changed dramatically-for the worse. Victoria was commenting on my graduation barcrawl the year before, and how well everyone got along and how happy everyone was. I told Victoria-while I missed everyone in the beginning, I still followed my own advice...that being-"Don't ever be the last to leave the party. You want to leave while you're still the life of it. That way, you can come back and visit anytime. Otherwise, you'll find yourself unwelcome and outdated."
Needless to say, this has proved to be pretty true.
Things are great. I just got my grades, I did very well, so I'm quite happy. Only 12 hours and I'll have my M.A.! It's so hard to believe. The social life is active once again. Work is crappy, but my co-workers are great. Classes start in 2 weeks. My internship is over, going out to lunch w/ everyone on Monday as a farewell of sorts.
Not much else that I can recall at this moment...getting ready to run to Wal-Mart, semi-watching the Daytime Emmys with the girls, and going up to Chicago tomorrow to visit V for her graduation shindig. More later ya'll...it's time to relax. It's been a long week.
it's a great feeling when you realize your time line is working well for you
KS Sparky, at 1:02 AM
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