So my room is finally in order now that I've moved downstairs and I'm feeling organized again. Hooray. Work is the same, full-time kinda sucks but I'm the most relaxed I've been in quite awhile so it's nice to have a stress-free job. And I got a raise for being yay.
My intership gang bid farewell to me last was a great experience but I'm glad I won't have any internships tying me down this summer.
Session will hopefully end tomorrow for the summer...things in IL government are the most dysfunctional I've ever seen them...but this is to be expected.
Jess brought her old Nintendo back, and we have played games for the past 3 hours straight. We keep talking about exercise and dieting, but end up eating and sitting in front of the TV watching Soap Network. (and now playing Nintendo) We haven't gained any weight, but we certainly haven' lost...yet. The Tae-Bo tapes are sitting there and we WILL use them...seriously, we will...just wait. Hopefully Michelle will get us motivated once she moves in...she is an exercise buff.
Movies I want to see (so far) this summer:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban-I've been waiting FOREVER!!!
The remake of The Stepford Wives
We are having a BBQ tomorrow starting at 7 p.m. so if you read this, COME. Call me for directions.
So in short, so far this summer has been nothing but TV, barbequeing, going out, playing video games, the occasional exercise, and working. Very relaxing. It's a nice feeling.
I'm going home on Tuesday for Jami's graduation (I have three days off in a row, and one of them is even paid-SCORE!), and I will be back Friday morning. I'm not sure why I mentioned that, but if you're from C-town and reading this and you'll be in town, call me and we'll hang out.
That's all for now. Later everyone.
which nintendo games were you playing?
i'm looking at the lease for a new apartment tomorrow afternoon. if everything is on the up and up, i'll have a nice place in the cambridge neighborhood with a big deck and central h/air
KS Sparky, at 7:41 PM
Super Mario Bros. and SMB 3-they are oldies but goodies.
Same here, I'm still searching for the perfect apt. for fall, although I just might have found it. More details to come.
Congrats on your new place.
Me=taking the GRE later this month to satisfy M.P.A. program requirements. I can't believe that I'm considering another degree right now, but I am. And I will be GETTING OUT OF IL! That's the best part.
I'll post more later-Ames
Anonymous, at 10:06 AM
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