the time of my life

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Hey everyone!

Currently avoiding packing, instead I'm writing in this lovely little waste of time that is of interest to no more than 5

I woke up in dreadful pain this morning, thanks to an aggressive game of tennis with the roommates last night. Wow, I'm so out of shape-tennis takes endurance and I seem to have lost most of mine. Ah well-nothing will bring it back except more exercise, so that's what I'll have to keep doing.

To change the subject-I consider myself a pretty fair cook, all things considered, but my newest specialty is oatmeal cookie bars-my roommates went nuts, so nuts that Jess told her father about them and he now wants the recipe. Step aside, Betty Crocker!

In other news, I've seen 3 movies so far this summer, which is one of the reasons I like summer, because I never seem to have time to watch any during the year.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
-fantastic! Even if it didn't follow the book entirely
The Stepford Wives-overrated, but funny
Shrek II-Very clever, but not quite as hilarious as I had expected. Very enjoyable, nonetheless.

Next on my list: Farenheit 9/11
What can I say, it sounds quite interesting. Plus, I need to prove to liberals everywhere (including you, Lance) that I'm not as hard-core right-wing as they come, in addition to being open-minded and a proponent of civil rights.

Moving on with this somewhat random post:

Things I'm annoyed about right now and will rant about:

MEN-they pretty much suck right now, the only decent men I know are a select few related ones in addition to some guy friends, none of them people I would ever date. As for the rest of them...the ones I have encountered lately belong to the following categories:

1) Emotionally unavailable a-holes who run from their emotions in favor of instant gratification-but not before breaking your heart or at the very least making you slightly bitter/jaded about relationships. (I'm not even going to comment, but for any of you girls who have been in this situation, I feel your pain!)

Example: Mr. Big from Sex and the City

2) Unchivalrous, arrogant jerks who show no respect for women by violating their personal space when it's obvious the woman they're hitting on has no interest in them, and would rather spend an afternoon getting a root canal as opposed to being in their presence. (Take for example, the other night I was out w/ the girls. I think all of us have been in this situation a time or two)

Example: Daniel Cleaver from Bridget Jones' diary: he was cute and charming but seriously couldn't take a hint once Bridget had decided to move on-very, very pushy!

3) Sweet, understanding, attentive guys, who hang on to your every word and treat you with respect...only to reveal in later conversation that they have a girlfriend/fiancee/wife. (I'm encountered many of these, and they aren't jerks at all-the problem is, they make some of us feel like there's no good ones left!)

Example: Aidan Shaw from Sex and the City

4) The cute, boring guy-a guy who wouuld obviously date you, but unfortunately you have no interest whatsoever. Yeah, sorry. Been there, don't that-don't wanna go back.

Like Carrie (from SATC) said:
"Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies."

I'm not interested in finding "Mr. Right"-not for quite some time. I'm nowhere near ready to get married and I don't think I will be for a long time. But I don't want "Mr. Right Now"-for obvious reasons. If I could find someone in between-a nice, considerate, yet quirky & interesting guy who wouldn't necessarily need a lifetime committment (but wouldn't be afraid to stick around for awhile)-that would be ideal.

So...the real question is:

Where do you find such a guy?


Do these guys exist?

I myself am not so sure...

Whenever I DO find the right guy, the ideal relationship would be something of a partnership-neither one having to give up any of their interests or desires, yet somehow managing to complement each other-not complete each other, because if you're interested in finding someone to "complete" your life, your life is likely something that needs improvement before you start looking for a soulmate.

I can't say that the women of the world are without blame. In many cases they're the ones responsible for men turning into jerks. The trick is getting these emotionally scarred men into the mindset that ALL women are NOT inconsiderate b*****s, and that learning to trust isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Ok, enough of ranting. I don't want to scare the 3 people that DO read this away from ever reading it again-but it's just something to be frusterated about, and this is my personal space for telling stories and venting, so why not?

Stay tuned for my next rant-which will discuss the lack of "genuine" people in the world.

Meanwhile, I wish HAPPY WEEKEND to everyone! With that I'm off to class, then packing, then Nashville! YAY! It should be fabulous. Stay tuned for details on my trip-talk to everyone later!


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