It's a 2001 Chevy Impala, midnight blue, and it's absolutely gorgeous. Everyone I've showed it to has loved it. I'm soooooooooo excited about it, it feels wonderful to drive it!
Meanwhile, the DNC is over-and can I just say that I'm glad, not bc I really have anything against the democrats, they have a right to a convention as well, but I DO have something against the psycho left-wing celebritys crashing the convention and spreading their political views all over the media. I don't pay 6 dollars a movie because I enjoy hearing Hollywood's political views. I understand that they are citizens as well as us, but you don't see FOX or CNN letting many normal people just run their mouth, so I'm not so sure the same should apply for celebrities. It just gets annoying, that's all. I'm not President Bush's #1 fan, but he is our president and he does deserve a certain amount of respect.
Ok-I don't know much else-this week was spent working, picking up my car, working and presenting my final project for class, and going out last night (Stella and Catch 22). I have a bunch of papers to write before Tuesday. But right now I'm off to work. Gosh, I hate Famous Barr. But that's another story, for another day. Only 21 days till I'm FREEEEEEEEEE!!!
hey now, I never said they weren't. But if I hear Janeane Garofalo spout her political views one more time, I might scream.
Amy Lynnette, at 8:32 PM
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