the time of my life

Monday, August 23, 2004

Hey all...

It's been awhile, but I'll have internet again soon. Until then, this will have to do. God bless the UIS library's internet.

Saturday marked my last day as full-time at Famous Barr. Call ME excited! Woo-hoo! Now all I need is for the subbing to become regular so I can pay my bills...hoorah. That, and classes are underway, my first one is on Wednesday (p.s., I still have to register for Only ten hours left and I'm a free woman. Academically free, that is-at least for the time being...until I decide to do another degree.

The new apt. is great-the furniture will be ordered soon, but until then, me and Michelle are making do with what we have, a few chairs and a bean bag. But the bedroom set has arrived (last weekend), so things are pretty good.

Lori moved into U of I yesterday, so if you're still on the UIUC campus, say hi to my sis if you see her. I hope she loves it!

Meanwhile, here in Springfield, things are good, and for the first time in about a year and a half, I think I can honestly say I like someone again. I've been burned, you might say, and quite afraid of opening up, but maybe things have changed again. If you know me, you know that I'm pretty picky and I don't go for your average american dumbass frat boy-I like substance. I might just have found a guy who qualifies, but I'm a big chicken, so leave words of support, seriously-this one might be a keeper, so any advice is welcome. More details to come on that one, but I've got errands to run, so until next time...take care, walk softly, and carry a great big freaking GEORGE W. BUSH sign-lol. I don't know where that came from, what was I thinking? I don't really like the guy as much as I used to, but he's better than Kerry (everyone KNOWS he pisses me off beyond belief), and if he gets elected again I just might have more job options if I decide to move to D.C.-seeing as IL is screwed for the next 2 1/2 years, yeah. TTYL!


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