the time of my life

Sunday, August 08, 2004

hey ya'll...

Let's see...what's going on?-working nonstop, as usual, although I had Thursday and Friday off, which was quite nice. This time was spent going to Chambana (Tanya's going away bash), taking a brief trip home, and just enjoying NOT being at work. Chambana was good times as usual, it was very sad to see Tanya leave, but I'm going to visit her on Spring break, so it will be great. And thank goodness for e-mail and cell phone's very easy to stay in touch nowadays.

Friday night was spent over in STL, listening to the Bradford Marsallas jazz quartet on the river, which was awesome. It was part of the summer Riversplash festival. The following morning I headed back to Springfield to work for the remainder of the weekend.

Not much else is going on, work (AS USUAL!), but (surprise!) I am probably going to be moving. This is due to the fact that I am going to be paying for my school myself this semester, and want to take only 5 hours next semester, and the remaining 5 in the spring, but in order to stay in the townhouses on campus, I must take 8 hours per semester. STUPID. In addition to the hours, I also will save about $100 a month by living in the off-campus apartment. I'll be rooming with my current roommate Michelle, and escaping the horrors-that-be in the UIS housing department-we will pay less, have bigger, nicer rooms, functional toilets (don't ask!), in addition to being able to have pets and throw parties whenever we damn please. Oh, and we'll have a deck outside. How cool is all this? I'm touring the place tomorrow, but I've heard enough from Michelle (who is as picky about apts. as I am) to think that I'll really like it. Anyway, future contact info will be provided in the coming days...


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